Risk Factors Linked To Female Infertility

Risk Factors Linked To Female Infertility

Infertility is a common condition that affects women around the world. A woman who can't conceive within a year or suffers recurring miscarriages can be diagnosed as infertile. Not all women have an equal risk of infertility. The risks for infertility in women include:


As a woman grows older, her chances of having a successful pregnancy decrease. A woman's fertility reduces every year after she turns 30. The rate at which the quality and quantity of viable eggs reduce increases significantly once she hits 35.

Body weight

Being underweight or overweight can cause problems with fertility. Women who are underweight and have a restrictive diet or eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia have nutrient deficiencies that contribute towards infertility. On the other hand, being overweight or obese affects egg quality adversely.

Irregular Periods

Not being able to estimate a date for your next period could be a sign of increased risk of infertility. This is commonly seen amongst women who are underweight or overweight or those suffering from thyroid issues.

Exposure to Stress

Stress does not directly cause infertility but it can have an impact on your fertility. It can cause bad eating habits that lead to weight gain, affect sleep patterns, and sex drive. Thus, women who work in high-stress environments have a higher risk of infertility as compared to others.

Alcohol or Tobacco Dependency

Women who smoke have a higher risk of tubal pregnancies and miscarriages. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumptions can affect a woman's health and reduce the efficacy of fertility treatments.

Exposure to Sexually Transmitted Infections

STIs can significantly increase risks with female infertility. Having multiple sexual partners puts a woman at a higher risk of STIs. Some of these STIs such as gonorrhoea or chlamydia are a common cause of infertility.