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How to deal with the emotional burden of infertility in couples?

Infertility is a life crisis with invisible losses, and its consequences are manifold. As per World Health Organization, “Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse”. Based on the census reports, researchers show that childlessness in India has risen by 50 per cent since 1981. It is not because couples are choosing not to have children but primarily due to growing infertility.

Infertility is not a just related to women. Both male and female factors are equally responsible for infertility along with unexplained infertility. However, in a country like India women are majorly considered and treated as victims for infertility. At the same time, talking about such a subject has been a taboo for a long time and with the entire societal pressures, the stress and blame on a woman is always enormous. As this is rising in urban population drastically, couples should be more open to sharing and not be additionally burdened with societal pressures.

There is no doubt that women face lot of stigma and discrimination due to infertility. Men may not be stigmatized or discriminated by the family or society. This doesn’t take away the pain and suffering they go through. It is always seen that, men usually hide their feelings and doesn’t feel comfortable sharing their feelings with anyone especially, if the man has fertility issues.

Mental Wellness

Importance of Stress Management during Fertility Treatment

Pregnancy and motherhood is a natural process of mankind. But, in this process, if couple experience biological issues, along with societal, family, marital and peer pressure can cause stress and anxiety. Similarly, the stigma and discrimination around this adds more anxiousness and stress during fertility treatments in couple. Every couple has a different way of looking at these things and deals with them based on their psychological, family support that they receive. Whenever, the situation and emotions take over and affects day to day activities the couple requires psychological support from counsellors.

Psychological impact on couple who go through multiple IVF failures and how to handle that?

When couple opt for IVF treatments and approach to treat their infertility, they come with the hope that they might have a chance for a positive pregnancy. But not all IVF treatments gives 100% success rate. Accepting and dealing with the negative results impacts couple more than being infertile. In such a situation, the couple would experience mixed emotions of helplessness, hopelessness, anger, guilt, frustration and would not understand what to do. The families can also be the ones to cause this due to multiple treatments and failures and blame the woman.


What the Couple should so in such situation? Here are some strategies to take care of the mental health during the confused and difficult situation.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Talk to an Expert

The expert can help you understand the status and recommend the best treatment based on the report and other factors. These discussions will reduce the stress related to treatment and its related procedures.

2. Take professional Help

Mental health is very important aspect, which always not been considered as important compared to physical health. The professional psychologist can help you calm your worries and make you feel better.

3. Create your support System

Surrounding with people who are supportive and understand your situation can help you to deal with it. It can be family, friends, relatives’ colleagues or other women experiencing infertility.

4. Follow hobby

Doing anything that you like or gives you happiness should help you to occupy yourselves when feeling loneliness.

5. Spend quality with spouse

Spending quality time by engaging in activities which both of you like can be a very good stress buster. Avoiding child talks/fertility related talks are very important.

6. Social media

A biggest influencer at the current period. Looking for details in social media day throughout the day is one of the major reason which can create more stress, anxiety. Avoiding such things are very important. Rather than, being part of support groups can make you feel better.

7. Don’t compare

Everyone is unique. The more we understand this, there will be more acceptance of self. As the proverb says, “the grass is always greener on the other side” we always tend to feel that other people always seem to be in a better situation than you although they may not be.

Mental Wellness

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Talk to an Expert

The expert can help you understand the status and recommend the best treatment based on the report and other factors. These discussions will reduce the stress related to treatment and its related procedures.

2. Take professional Help

Mental health is very important aspect, which always not been considered as important compared to physical health. The professional psychologist can help you calm your worries and make you feel better.

3. Create your support System

Surrounding with people who are supportive and understand your situation can help you to deal with it. It can be family, friends, relatives’ colleagues or other women experiencing infertility.

4. Follow hobby

Doing anything that you like or gives you happiness should help you to occupy yourselves when feeling loneliness.

5. Spend quality with spouse

Spending quality time by engaging in activities which both of you like can be a very good stress buster. Avoiding child talks/fertility related talks are very important.

6. Social media

A biggest influencer at the current period. Looking for details in social media day throughout the day is one of the major reason which can create more stress, anxiety. Avoiding such things are very important. Rather than, being part of support groups can make you feel better.

7. Don’t compare

Everyone is unique. The more we understand this, there will be more acceptance of self. As the proverb says, “the grass is always greener on the other side” we always tend to feel that other people always seem to be in a better situation than you although they may not be.

How can counselors help?

Psychological counselors address the most important concerns and problems that the couple go through which may be related to one’s personal life, treatments, donor gametes, injections or even results of fertility treatments. Counselors are there to help couples professionally and to handle the stress and anxiety factor.

Mental Wellness

How psychological counselling helps women undergoing infertility?

  1. Dealing with personal Issues: All infertile men or women have lot of things which has neither been expressed not shared with anyone. This could be due to lack of trust, feeling of being judged or not found a right person to talk. A professional counsellor can help them to deal with issues which might be bothering them without being biased or judgmental.
  2. Dealing with treatment related issues: Accepting the diagnosis and proceeding with the treatment sometimes could be very difficult for the couple. The professional counsellor can work with the couples during the different stages of the treatment cycle.
    1. Before the treatment - Prepare for the treatment based on the stress, fear, anxiousness and depression the couple experiences individually or as a couple.
    2. During the treatment - Handling and provide emotional support for the stress and fear the couple experience during the treatment. This is always associated with end result.
    3. After the treatment - Providing the emotional support to accept and deal with the negative outcome or a miscarriage they are experiencing. This can be done with the combination of clinical and psychological with the help of psychotherapies.
  3. The couple will not be judged and will be provided a comfort zone to share their doubts and insecurities.
  4. Helps them to reduce the burden that they might be carrying for a long time.
  5. The holistic approach in counselling helps in improving overall issues related to mental health and achieve a better quality of life.

Mental Wellness
Mental Wellness