The Healthy Diet to Improve Fertility

how to increase fertility

Globally, one in every 10 couples suffers from some form of infertility. When it comes to infertility rate in India, approximately 40% of infertility can be attributed to female factors, 40% to male factors, and 20% to unknown causes. Although over the last few decades, the science behind infertility treatment has progressed considerably, there is still a long way to go in terms of advancement. This means that we are still grappling with infertility and there are so many factors that are not under one’s control. Everything from age to lifestyle to genetics has a role to play when it comes to healthy fertility.

This is where a clearly defined diet to improve fertility plays a part. Unlike other factors such as age, genetics, other medical conditions, etc., the kind of diet one takes in is wholly under one’s control. And what’s more, following a balanced diet requires no medical intervention – it is an all-natural way to encourage your body to improve the fertility potential. Although it must be said that a good and healthy diet is only a supplementing factor in boosting fertility. If infertility is diagnosed, you need to seek treatments such as hormonal therapy, IUI, IVF, etc.

Over the last few years, awareness about the importance of finding the best fertility diet has been growing. More and more research has been done in this sphere and the best foods that promote fertility are being determined with the help of extensive studies. One such study is the Nurses’ Health Study conducted by Harvard, a long-term project that examines the effects of diet and other factors on 18,000 women who are either pregnant or trying to conceive. The results from these studies reveal which foods to include and which foods to avoid when trying to conceive and also confirms some things that were already in the public knowledge.

As an overarching general rule, two factors related to diet – nutrition and a healthy body weight – play a key role in a couple’s ability to get pregnant. According to America’s National Fertility Association, 30% infertility cases are caused by weight extremes. A Body Mass Index (BMI) of 18.5 – 24.9 is considered ideal.

So what is the best diet and the best foods you can eat to improve your fertility?

Slow or complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and beans take more time to be processed by the body to turn into sugar and insulin. Replacing bad carbs that provide instant sugar (such as cookies, white bread, white rice) with slow carbs has a positive effect on fertility as insulin is found to inhibit ovulation.

A fruit-rich diet – It was found that women who consumed fruits three times or more a day conceived half a month faster than women who had a lower intake of fruits – say once or twice a month. Similarly, the risk of infertility jumped from 8 to 12 percent – almost by half – in women with the lowest intake of fruits.

Green leafy vegetables contain a lot of iron, which is an essential factor in helping couples be more fertile. Non-heme iron – the kind that you get from vegetables, grains and seeds are more effective than heme iron – the kind found in meats, helps to increase infertility.

Healthy fats – Not all fats are bad for health. There is no need to substitute whole milk with skimmed milk, or cheese with low-fat cheese. The latest studies show that contrary to what was believed earlier, women have a higher chance of conceiving when full fat dairy products are included in their diet.

Supplement with multi-vitamins – Vitamins are some of the most important factors that can help a woman conceive. In a study, women who took multi-vitamins had 40% less chance of developing ovulation disorder.

Avoid alcohol, junk food, caffeine – A diet is as much about avoiding certain foods as it is about what foods to eat. Alcohol and beverages high in caffeine (including sugary soft drinks) have a deteriorating effect on fertility. One study showed that for couples who ate junk food on a regular basis, there was a twofold increase in the risk of infertility. So, avoid these at all costs while trying to conceive.

A healthy diet should also go hand in hand with a moderately rigorous exercise regime. Women who are trying to conceive should keep themselves active. Following a regular but moderate exercise regime throughout your pregnancy period also helps in a smoother and less painful delivery of the baby.

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