How to Choose a Fertility Clinic?

How to Choose a Fertility Clinic

Having a baby is an incredible experience for every couple, but not all couples are able to conceive naturally.

For those who have been trying to have a baby without any success, consulting a fertility expert and opting for fertility treatments will be the next step. This brings you to the dilemma of choosing the right fertility clinic. With countless centers dotting the cityscape today and making similar claims, it is important to understand the factors which can help you single out the right one. Choosing the right fertility clinic requires thorough research from your side. To help you with this decision, we have listed below a few essential characteristics to look out for.

Success Rates

This is one of the foremost things that couples should consider in clinics that offer comprehensive treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI). Most fertility clinics mention their success rates on their website. But it is important you discuss their success rates in detail in person and not take the figure at face value. Understand that different rates are associated with each procedure and vary according to the age group of patients.

Experience Of Clinical Staff

A good fertility clinic will have a team of highly experienced professionals with specialization in infertility treatments. Most treatments are expensive and hence being treated by a clinic that has the best panel of experts should be a given. The clinical staff includes not just the doctors, but also counselors, nurses, financial advisors and lab staff. A personal visit and interaction with some of the staff members can help you get a feel of the atmosphere at the clinic.

Facilities Offered And Technology Used

With commendable breakthroughs in medical science, the chances of conception have also risen remarkably. The clinic should preferably offer all the latest fertility treatments within its premises to provide maximum convenience to the couple undergoing the treatment. Certain fertility centers have dedicated in-house staff and facilities to carry out procedures like Laser Assisted Hatching, Blastocyst culture, Embryo scope, Cryopreservation/Vitrification for Sperms, Oocyte and embryos.

Duration Of The Procedures

Some treatments and procedures can take a considerable amount of time to complete. This should be taken into account as either you or your spouse might be required to undergo treatments over a period of time. If the fertility center is located at a sizeable distance from your residence, for instance in a different state, you will have to make arrangements for accommodation until the completion of the treatment. Thus, convenient location of the clinic needs to be factored in while deciding.

Transparency In Costs And Procedures

An efficient fertility clinic will follow professional ethics and transparency in terms of both medical and financial procedures. Ensure that the clinic provides clarity with respect to the costs associated with the procedures. You should also check if counseling is included in the cost, both pre and post treatment. The price discussed with you at the start should be the final amount you pay at the end. This will help you plan your finances and make necessary arrangements for funds, if required. The procedures should also be clearly explained to you so that you can prepare your mind and body for it. The clinic needs to inform you of risks associated with the procedure, if any. Confidentiality is another aspect that patients look for while opting for fertility treatments. So whether you are a donor or a patient, ask the clinic whether it follows discretion in all its procedures.


Individuals in general, find it very intimidating to visit a doctor for any kind of fertility treatment. This intimidation combines with awkwardness when couples decide to approach fertility experts. Often, couples suffer from depression and anxiety before and during the treatment. That is why, it is extremely essential for a fertility clinic to offer psychological counseling to the patients at every stage of the treatment and be extremely sensitive to their concerns and inhibitions.

Opting for fertility treatment is an overwhelming decision for every couple but partnering with the right fertility clinic can not only increase the chances of a successful conception but also make the entire journey easier and more comfortable for you.

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