Why Your Daily Diet Matters To Fertility Health

Why Your Daily Diet Matters To Fertility Health

The type and quantity of food you ingest on a daily basis can have a significant impact on your health. When diagnosed with a medical condition, one of the first changes you will be expected to make is to your diet. Numerous studies have been conducted to find out if there is any possible link between an individual’s eating habits and its effects on his/her fertility. These studies indicate that your diet has the ability to either boost your performance or substantially reduce your fertility levels. A healthy diet is essential in increasing your chances of conceiving naturally or with medical assistance using fertility treatments. Moreover, it also greatly improves the way the fetus develops in the womb after it is conceived.

Impact Of A Healthy Diet On Fertility

For the healthy functioning of the reproductive system, the body requires a number of essential nutrients including antioxidants, hormones, vitamins, etc. For instance, folic acid plays a very important role in DNA replication and egg maturation before the ovulation process. A healthy diet should include fresh foods carrying all the requisite dietary nutrients and preferably be organic in nature. Organic food is free from harmful chemicals (pesticides and herbicides) that can have alarming effects on your fertility levels. Adequate hydration is also very important in the smooth functioning of the reproductive system and the body in general.

Impact Of An Unhealthy Diet On Fertility

Foods with unhealthy fats can adversely affect your ability to conceive. Fertility problems and recurrent miscarriages have also been linked to an unhealthy diet and weight-gain in many people. A majority of the fast food and prepackaged food available in the market today contain ‘trans fats’ in implicit quantities. Trans-fats can affect the regular ovulatory cycle of a woman and therefore, is one of the first things women should cut down on when trying to conceive. Fatty foods are also known to have a devastating effect on the sperm count in men. Although inclusion of omega-3 fats is usually recommended to couples going through fertility issues, an excessive intake can affect sperm morphology. Artificially fortified packaged food like breakfast cereals do not have any naturally healthy content in them and must be avoided as far as possible. It is universally accepted that alcohol intake can have a negative impact on folic acid levels in the body and must be strictly avoided.

Healthy Diet Is The First Step In Your Infertility Treatment Infertility Treatment

A fertility diet can assist your body in its reproductive efforts. Foods that contain dense amounts of nutrients necessary for normal hormonal production, function, balance and development of the fetus are suggested to couples going through infertility issues. A healthy diet combined with moderate exercise is one of the first lifestyle changes you will be required to make in your pursuit to have a baby.

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