Can birth control pills cause infertility in the future?

Can birth control pills cause infertility in the future?

Infertility is a serious problem that is faced by a large number of couples all over the world. In fact, about 40 %- 50 % of these cases are due to female infertility. But the good news is that a woman's ability to get pregnant in the future does not depend on whether she takes birth control pills at present or not.

Infertility Due to Birth Control Pills - Myth or Reality

To put it in straight and simple words, infertility due to birth control pills is a myth. There is no scientific basis to believe that if you are on birth control pills for a long time, you won't be able to get pregnant once you stop taking the pills. In fact, several studies have indicated that you are likely to get pregnant if you have been on birth control pills in the past as much as a woman who has never taken a contraceptive pill in her life.
Birth control pills basically comprise of hormones that ensure your eggs do not ovulate. These hormones also play a role in thickening your cervical mucus, which helps to prevent the sperm from reaching your eggs.
Once you discontinue taking your contraceptive pills, the hormone supplements should leave your body in a couple of days or at most a couple of weeks. When these hormones are out of the body, your menstrual cycle starts functioning in a normal manner and your fertility returns to its usual state. In some cases, ovulation can kick in even before the hormones are fully out of a woman's system.
If you are unable to get pregnant after discontinuing the birth control pills, it does not mean that the pills are responsible for this development. You need to consult your medical practitioner to determine the exact cause of your inability to conceive.