How is Asthenozoospermia Treated?

How is Asthenozoospermia Treated?

There are many causes of male-factor infertility and Asthenozoospermia is a condition that is often related to male infertility. The condition refers to the partial or complete inability of the sperm to move – sperm that has no motility.

Sperm motility is an indispensable factor in human reproduction. Without the ability to move or swim, human sperm cannot travel from the testes to the female egg, thus making all attempts at conception futile.

Identifying Asthenozoospermia

Asthenozoospermia is diagnosed by performing a semen analysis to determine the presence, and as a result, the extent of sperm immotility. Blood tests are also a part of the diagnosis so that hormonal irregularities can be detected, if any. Asthenozoospermia is affirmed when only 40% or less sperm has motility or when 32% or less sperm has progressive motility.

Treatment of Asthenozoospermia

For scenarios where external lifestyle choices have contributed to the degradation of sperm health, reduction of these habits is recommended along with constant diagnosis to plan the next action. Medical options for treatment of Asthenozoospermia vary depending on the extent of the condition.

Assisted reproduction is a method where healthy sperm is selected and used to fertilise an egg using specific external methods and tools, outside normal sexual activity. These methods are used to counteract the inability of sperm that is not able to travel on its own (no motility). IVF/ICSI (or In Vitro Fertilization with Intracytoplasmic Injection) is a very effective treatment method.

Causes of Asthenozoospermia

Male infertility conditions like Asthenozoospermia are often attributed to congenital defects and trauma related to illness from recovery or physical stress. DNA fragmentation is a leading cause for Asthenozoospermia. The condition can also develop from excessive smoking and alcohol, habits which introduce toxins that affect the reproductive mechanisms.

With the advancements of medical technology, treatments of Asthenozoospermia are easily accessible. It starts with a simple consultation and a few tests later, patients can get a defined course of action that they can take. Reach out to an expert and learn more about this male infertility condition and the treatments that you can avail of.