Should women undergoing an IVF cycle be under complete bed rest ?

Should women undergoing an IVF cycle be under complete bed rest ?

MYTH: Complete bed rest improves the chances of success in IVF

FACT: There's no need to put your life on pause after the embryo transfer. This idea is an absolute myth. An IVF pregnancy has to be treated like a normal pregnancy with optimal precautions. IVF is nothing but an assisted process in fertilizing the gametes of the man and the woman to form a baby.

Since this process is not possible inside a woman's body either because of tubal blockage or poor sperm count or other reasons, IVF helps in bringing the egg and the sperm together outside the body. Once the embryo goes back into the woman's body, it needs care just like a naturally conceived embryo. Women can go back to their routine, and the usual pregnancy care should be taken. Of course, anything that causes physical or mental strain should be minimized.