Can Yeast Infection Affect Semen and what are The Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Semen?

Can Yeast Infection Affect Semen and what are The Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Semen?

Yeast infections are considered to be a gynecological issue but yeast infection can affect men as well. Penile yeast infections are uncomfortable and can have embarrassing symptoms. While bacterial and viral infections are commonly associated with low sperm count and male infertility, yeast infections may also affect male fertility.

What is a Penile Yeast Infection?

Penile yeast infection is caused by the candida fungus. This fungus is usually present in a limited concentration in the body but an overgrowth of the fungus can cause a yeast infection. A moist environment such as the area around the genitals is ideal for this fungus. It may be caused by poor hygiene or by unprotected sexual intercourse with a person who has a yeast infection.

Symptoms of a Penile Yeast Infection

The earlier the symptoms of yeast infection in semen are identified, the easier this infection is to treat. Some of the early symptoms you may notice are:

  • Red rash around the genitals
  • White shiny patches around the penis
  • Moist skin around the penis
  • Presence of a thick, white substance under the foreskin
  • Itchiness
  • Burning sensation on the penis

Yeast Infections and Male Fertility

Male fertility is related to the quantity and quality of sperm contained in semen ejaculated. Along with sperm, this semen contains fluid secretions from other sex organs as well. In the case of a yeast infection, it may also contain the fungi responsible for the infection. This fungus may interfere with the functioning of the sperm and cause infertility. It can also cause ulcers, prostatitis, balanoposthitis, urethritis, orchitis and pseudotumors.

Studies suggest that fungi can alter sperm functioning within the male reproductive tract or after ejaculation in the female reproductive tract. It can affect sperm motility, increase the risk of DNA fragmentation, reduce sperm viability and alter the mitochondrial membrane around the sperm.

Treatment of Male Yeast Infections

In most cases, the infection will clear off on its own within a few days. However, in some cases, it may spread to the inner thighs, buttocks and scrotum. In such cases, over the counter medication may be prescribed in the form of oral pills and topical ointments.

This infection can be transferred from one person to another through sexual intercourse. Hence, both partners must be treated for the condition. It is also advisable not to have unprotected sexual intercourse until the infection has been cleared.