What are the treatment For Hypospadias

What are the treatment For Hypospadias

Hypospadias is a congenital defect of the penis in which the urethral opening or meatus is located below or away from the normal location. Not only the meatus but also the foreskin looks abnormal in shape. This happens due to incomplete development of urethra between 8 to 20 weeks of gestation. If this condition is not treated, then it can cause problems in adult life like difficulty in urinating while standing and infertility issues.

Treatment for Hypospadias

In some minor cases of Hypospadias, no kind of treatment is required as the child outgrows it eventually. However, in other cases, a surgery is usually recommended for the treatment of Hypospadias.
The surgery is performed to:

  • Reposition the meatus to the tip of the penis
  • Give a cosmetically acceptable appearance
  • Correct the curvature of the penis or chordee

Infants with this condition are recommended not to undergo a circumcision as their foreskin may be required for surgical repairs. To perform the surgery, the infant is required to be between the ages of 6 to 12 months.

A pediatric urological surgeon will perform the surgery under general anesthesia. If the child has a chordee along with Hypospadias then he may require one or more surgeries. After the completion of the surgery, the baby may have a small catheter to pass urine without coming in contact with the stitches for a few days. He will be on antibiotics and some other medicines to stop bladder spasms.

A few follow-ups with the surgeon would be required post the surgery. Also, it is recommended to check for healing and possible complications with your pediatric urologist after the child is toilet trained and at puberty.

After the successful completion of this surgery, the child can have a controlled stream of urine while standing and also minimize future issues regarding painful intercourse.

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